Other Consultants
The world is filled with many excellent consultants, trainers, and facilitators serving the nonprofit community. Here are some of my favorites.
I’ve included the location of their primary office, with the understanding that some firms work regionally, nationally, and internationally. While each firm is listed once, most support clients on multiple topics: for example, providing board development and strategic planning. Check out their websites for more information.
Board development
- Daly Consulting (NM)
- Pinnacle Social Impact (NY)
- The Board Pro (GA)
- Vicki Clark (TN)
Capital campaigns and feasibility studies
- Alexander Carrillo Consulting (AZ)
- Capital Campaign Pro (NJ)
- Gade Associates (VT)
Collaborations and partnerships
- Institute for Conservation Leadership (MD)
- Forward Movement Consulting (NC)
- Leaves of Change (VT)
- Richarda Ericson (VT)
Community organizing
- Training for Change (PA)
- Up With Community (ME)
Corporate philanthropy
Diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-oppression work
- CQ Strategies (VT)
- Dragonfly Partners (PA)
- EmpowR (VT)
- Mia Moore Consulting (VT)
- Rise Consulting (VT)
- The Empathy Agency (ON)
Facilitation (meetings, retreats, planning processes)
- Diana González (VT)
- Rachel Gooen (MT)
- Stephanie Lahar (VT)
- Third Space Studio (NC)
- Vision Driven Consulting (NY)
- Alan Cantor (NH)
- Alyson Molloy Hussey (MA)
- Clark Lawrence Consulting (NY)
- CPG Enterprises (VT)
- Funding Change Consulting (MA)
- Harlow Nonprofit Consulting (VT)
- Harvey McKinnon Associates (BC)
- Klein & Roth (CA)
- The Funding Seed (LA)
- The Osborne Group (NY, OR)
- Supporting World Hope (TX)
- Valerie Todd (ME)
Grant research and proposal writing
- Bill Bayreuther (ME)
- Osage Hill (PA)
- Think and Ink (GA)
- The Write Team (CA)
Leadership development
- Amanda Silver (NH)
- Anna Adachi Mejia (VT)
- Building Beloved Communities (VA)
- Cherian Koshy (IA)
- Jennifer Hayslett (VT)
- Leadership Savvy (CA)
- Libby V & Associates (OH)
- Russell West (TN)
- Sharon Behar (VT)
Marketing and messaging
- Bold Bison (IL)
- Michele Levy (MA)
- Momentum (VT)
- Reflection Films (MA)
Nonprofit operations and systems
- Big Change Consulting (OH)
- Five Vine Consulting (VT)
- Structural Integrity (VT)
Strategic planning
- Aria Strategies (NY)
- Build Strategies Consulting (VT)
- Mindel Pelchat & Associates (VT)
- Penn Creative Strategy (NY)
- Strong Outcomes (NY)
- The Ross Collective (CA)
- The Strategic Nonprofit (NH)
Saying this again: While each firm is listed once, many work with clients on multiple topics. Visit their websites for more information.